All C# extension methods for type ienumerable-t
When building a LINQ query, you may need to involve optional filtering criteria. Avoids if statements when building predicates & lambdas for a query. Useful when you don't know at compile time whether a filter should apply. Borrowed from Andrew Robinson.
OrderBy(string sortExpression)
Orders a list based on a sortexpression. Useful in object databinding scenarios where the objectdatasource generates a dynamic sortexpression (example: "Name desc") that specifies the property of the object sort on.
Shortcut for foreach and create new list
Groups the elements of a sequence according to a specified firstKey selector function and rotates the unique values from the secondKey selector function into multiple values in the output, and performs aggregations.
Converts an IEnumerable to DataTable (supports nullable types) adapted from
Convert a IEnumerable<T> to a ObservableCollection<T> and can be used in XAML (Silverlight and WPF) projects
It returns false if given collection is null or empty otherwise it returns true.
OrderBy() is nice when you want a consistent & predictable ordering. This method is NOT THAT! Randomize() - Use this extension method when you want a different or random order every time! Useful when ordering a list of things for display to give each a fair chance of landing at the top or bottom on each hit. {customers, support techs, or even use as a randomizer for your lottery ;) }
Shortcut for foreach
Returns the index of the first occurrence in a sequence by using the default equality comparer or a specified one.
An extension method that produce a comman separated values of string out of an IEnumerable<T>. This would be useful if you want to automatically generate a CSV out of integer, string, or any other primative data type collection or array. I provided 2 overloads of this method. One of them accepts a separator and the other uses comma "," as default separator. Also I am using another shortcut extension method for foreach loop.
Convert a IEnumerable<T> to a Collection<T>
Shuffles an IEnumerable list
OrderBy is nice, except if you want to sort by multiple properties or want an easy way to distinguish between ascending and descending.
Slice<T>(int start, int end)
Returns the range of elements between the specified start and end indexes. Negative numbers count from the end, rather than the start, of the sequence. Values of 'end' larger than the actual sequence are truncated and do not cause index-out-of-bounds exceptions. Functionally very similar to Python's list[x:y] slices.
transposes the rows and columns of its argument
Provides a Distinct method that takes a key selector lambda as parameter. The .net framework only provides a Distinct method that takes an instance of an implementation of IEqualityComparer<T> where the standard parameterless Distinct that uses the default equality comparer doesn't suffice.
Takes any IEnumerable<T> and converts it to a HashSet<T>
iterates through an IEnumerable<T> and applies an Action
Concatenates a specified separator String between each element of a specified enumeration, yielding a single concatenated string.
Caches the results of an IEnumerable.
somtimes one needs to split a larger collection into multiple smaller ones, this one does so use deferred execution
The opposite of TakeWhile, inverts the expression and passes to TakeWhile so that instead of taking while an expression is true, you take until an expression is true.
Returns the null when there's null first element in the sequence instead of throwing an exception
This method selects a random element from an Enumerable with only one pass (O(N) complexity). It contains optimizations for argumens that implement ICollection<T> by using the Count property and the ElementAt LINQ method. The ElementAt LINQ method itself contains optimizations for IList<T>
Allows you to filter an IEnumerable<T>
Returns all combinations of a chosen amount of selected elements in the sequence.
Determines whether a collection is null or has no elements without having to enumerate the entire collection to get a count.
Since System.Linq.Enumerable.Aggregate throws a System.InvalidOperationException in case the given list is empty you can't use this function in a complex linq expression. This aggregate version simply returns a defaultvalue if the list is empty
Starts execution of IQueryable on a ThreadPool thread and returns immediately with a "end" method to call once the result is needed.
Slice of IEnumerable
Returns count elements, beginning from the specified
Reverses the order of the list that you wish to enumerate.
Returns a string that represent a csv representation of the referenced T in the IEnumerable<T>. You can also generate a columns header (the first row) with the name of the serialized properties. You can specify the name of the properties to include in the csv file. If you don't specify anything it will includes all the public properties.
Adds an element to an IEnumerable (System.Linq.Concat only adds multiple elements)
Converts an IEnumberable<T> to an HTML DataTable.
Merges three sequences by using the specified predicate function.
FirstIndex() and LastIndex()
Finds the index of the first of last occurence which matches the predicate.
None(), OneOf(), Many(), XOf()
Count-based extensions which make checking the length of something more readable. * Updated on 2010-01-16 following suggestion from @Sane regarding the use of Count() in None(). Switched to Any(). Thanks!
Check whether a collection is null or doesn't contain any elements.
Gets the index of the give value in a collection. Is overloaded to take a start parameter as well.
Determines whether the collection has exactly one element
Write all elements in the Enumeration to the Console
Converts from one type to another.
Sort algorithms
This is a set of extesion methods that sort a given list more about that on codeplex
Returns whether the sequence contains a certain amount of elements, without having to traverse the entire collection.
Checks if the collection is null or empty
The provided DefaultIfEmpty will only accept an instance of T as the default value. Sometimes you need the default to be an IEnumerable<T>.
Foreach inline for the IEnumerable<T>.
FindMin() and FindMax()
Selects the object in a list with the minimum or maximum value on a particular property
Creates an explicit copy of the given enumerable where the only values copied are the ones you designate.
This SplitUp() extension method takes a sequence and splits it up into subsequences that each have a maximum length. See for more information.
Finds all the indexes of the give value or values in an enumerable list
bool IsSorted (Comparison<T> comparison)
returns true if a sequence is sorted
take all but the last item from an IEnumerable<T>
Convert a IEnumerable<T> to a ObservableCollection<T> and can be used in XAML (WPF, Silverlight, Windows Phone & Windows Store) projects
Adds a single element at the beginning of an enumerator
Computes a product of all elements in the sequence.
Caches the results of generator methods so that expensive enumerations are not repeated if they are enumerated multiple times. Yet it caches the results lazily, allowing for memory efficiency where possible.
Copies elements from IEnumerable<T> into ObservableCollection<T>. Handy for converting LINQ results into a list appropriate for WPF databinding.
Returns a number of random elements from a collection
Converts all elements in an enumerable list from the its to a destination type by calling a provided conversion function
Creates a string that is each the elements' ToString() values wrapped in the 'tag' that is passed as a param. Good for converting an IEnum<T> into a block of HTML/XML.
Throws a given exception is any value in a set passes a given predicate
Repeats a sequence forever.
Filters a list based on a comma-separated list of allowed values. This is a lot more concise than using a number of 'or' clauses
Iterates over all the elements in a collection and performs the given action, usually given as a lambda.
I’m a big fan of the Nullable Reference Types feature added in C# 8.0. It lets the compiler catch a bunch of potential runtime errors, and I guarantee if you turn it on you’ll get a bunch of warnings. As of .NET 5.0, the entire BCL is now covered with nullable annotations, and a lot of the extended ecosystem supports them too. But there are situations where the compiler is unable to work out that you’ve done a null check, meaning you either have to use the “null-forgiving operator” (where you append a bang to the identifier, like item!.Name), disable the null checking, or just ignore the warning. The WhereNotNull extension method filters out nulls and changes the expression type accordingly. source:
Randomizes am IEnumerable<T>
Determines whether a variable of type T is contained in the supplied list of arguments of type T, allowing for more concise code.
LINQ ToList() extension method with an extra capacity argument. This can boost the speed of creating the list.
Compare Through a predicate every element of a list with the previous one
Cache result of IEnumerable iteration. Similar to other implemetations with two advantages: 1 - Not flawed (Dispose of IEnumerator done by compiler) 2- Simplier
You don't need check whether the collection is null.
Follows sequence with new element
Gets the penultimate item of a collection
Fill any Span using an IEnumerable. Returns the number of items which are placed in the Span.
Sum decimals
Attempts to determine the number of elements in a sequence without forcing an enumeration. For those who are not yet using .NET 6
Determines whether a sequence contains any elements and whether all elements of a sequence satisfy a condition. The normal 'All' method returns true when the sequence is empty.
Enumerate an IEnumerable<T> source and getting the Index and the Item returned in a ValueTuple.
Bypasses a specified number of elements in a sequence from a given start position