Extension Methods from Fons Sonnemans
Groups the elements of a sequence according to a specified firstKey selector function and rotates the unique values from the secondKey selector function into multiple values in the output, and performs aggregations.
I have created this AddRange<T>() method on ObservableCollection<T> because the LINQ Concat() method didn't trigger the CollectionChanged event. This method does.
Convert a IEnumerable<T> to a ObservableCollection<T> and can be used in XAML (Silverlight and WPF) projects
Begin an XAML Storyboard using the async/await pattern instead of using the completed event.
Returns the index of the first occurrence in a sequence by using the default equality comparer or a specified one.
Returns true when a integer is a prime.
SetCookie(), GetCookie(), DeleteCookie()
Extension methods on HtmlDocument used to read, write and delete cookies in Silverlight applications.
Concatenates a specified separator String between each element of a specified enumeration, yielding a single concatenated string.
GetValueOrDefault<T> for DbDataReader
Helper method to retrieve a nullable value of a column from a datareader.
Append() and Prepend()
Append() adds a value to the end of the sequence. Prepend() adds a value to the beginning of the sequence. This is usefull if you are not using .NET Core or .NET Framework 4.7.
Show an XAMP Popup using the async/await pattern instead of using the completed event.
Convert a (A)RGB string to a Silverlight Color object
Set the InputScope of TextBox on a Windows 7 Phone.
FirstIndex() and LastIndex()
Finds the index of the first of last occurence which matches the predicate.
First(), Last(), Any()
Helper methods to simplify development. Prevent common LINQ performance mistakes.
Show Windows Phone Choosers using the async/await pattern instead of using the completed event.
Write all elements in the Enumeration to the Console
FindMin() and FindMax()
Selects the object in a list with the minimum or maximum value on a particular property
Returns the first element of a sequence, or a nullable value which has no value if no element is found.
Set the initial focus for a Silverlight ChildWindow.
Split the next part of this span with the given separator
LINQ ToList() extension method with an extra capacity argument. This can boost the speed of creating the list.
Insert an item to a sorted List
Returns a string containing a specified number of characters from the right side of a string
Fill any Span using an IEnumerable. Returns the number of items which are placed in the Span.
All() and Any() on Array and List<T>
Faster implementations of the LINQ All() and Any() methods for Array and List<T>. This solution uses less memory allocations and is just faster. Temporary solution until this PR is accepted https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/pull/1832
Performs the specified action on each ValueType in the List<T> without copying it.
Determines whether a sequence contains any elements and whether all elements of a sequence satisfy a condition. The normal 'All' method returns true when the sequence is empty.
Enumerate an IEnumerable<T> source and getting the Index and the Item returned in a ValueTuple.
Fluent DateOnly Extensions
A fluent way to create DateOnly values.
If you attempt to get a value from a dictionary using a key that doesn't exist, it throws a KeyNotFoundException. But this extension method to return a default value when the key doesn't exist. Also supports an overload with a Lazy initialization of the fallback value.
Bypasses a specified number of elements in a sequence from a given start position