Extension Methods from James Michael Hare (BlackRabbitCoder)
ToDictionary() - for enumerations of groupings
Converts an IEnumerable<IGrouping<TKey,TValue>> to a Dictionary<TKey,List<TValue>> so that you can easily convert the results of a GroupBy clause to a Dictionary of Groupings. The out-of-the-box ToDictionary() LINQ extension methods require a key and element extractor which are largely redundant when being applied to an enumeration of groupings, so this is a short-cut.
A set of extension methods that make it easy to mask a string (to protect account numbers or other personal data). For example, you could mask a SSN of 123456789 to be ******789.
The opposite of TakeWhile, inverts the expression and passes to TakeWhile so that instead of taking while an expression is true, you take until an expression is true.
Gets the first assembly attribute of the specified type from the assembly it is called from.
Returns true if the type it is called upon is a System.Nullable<> wrapped type.
Returns true if the object it is called upon is the default of its type. This will be null for referece types, zero for integer types, and a default-initialized struct for structs.
Converts an IEnumerable<IGrouping<TKey,TValue>> from a GroupBy() clause to a Dictionary<TKey, List<TValue>>.
Repeats a character a given number of times, a little cleaner shortcut than using the string constructor.
Gets an enumeration of assembly attributes of the specified type from the assembly it is called from.