All C# extension methods for type array
ToList<T>(Func<object, T> func)
Converts an array of any type to List<T> passing a mapping delegate Func<object, T> that returns type T. If T is null, it will not be added to the collection. If the array is null, then a new instance of List<T>() is returned.
Converts an Array of arbitrary type to an array of type T. If a suitable converter cannot be found to do the conversion, a NotSupportedException is thrown.
Sets all values.
Shuffle an array in O(n) time (fastest possible way in theory and practice!)
Create a new Image from a byte array
Combines parts of 2 byte arrays
Extracts all fields from a string that match a certain regex. Will convert to desired type through a standard TypeConverter.
Indicates whether the specified array is null or empty (has no items). Returns true if the array parameter is null or empty; otherwise, false.