GetList(of TList)
Return object of Subclass of List(Of T) using FindAll method of List.
<Extension()> _
Public Function GetList(Of TList As {IList(Of T), New}, T)(ByVal items As List(Of T)) As TList
Dim ReturnList As New TList
For Each item As T In items
Return ReturnList
End Function
Public Class AddressList
Inherits System.Collection.Generic.List(of Address)
End Class
Public Class Address
End Class
Function GetAddressByType(Byval AddressType As String) As AddressList
Return AllAddresses.FindAll(Function(A As Address) A.App_Address_Type = AddressType).GetList(Of AddressList)()
End Function
Author: NetDorkie
Submitted on: 16 jul. 2009
Language: VB
Type: System.Collection.Generic.List
Views: 5042