Converts a given URI to a address. Utilises the website so requires that the application can access the server
public static class UriMethods
public static Uri ToTiny(this Uri longUri)
WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(String.Format
WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
Uri returnUri = null;
using(System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
returnUri = new Uri(reader.ReadToEnd());
return returnUri;
#region Reflected from System.Web.HttpUtility
private static string UrlEncode(string str)
if (str == null)
return null;
return UrlEncode(str, Encoding.UTF8);
private static string UrlEncode(string str, Encoding e)
if (str == null)
return null;
return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(UrlEncodeToBytes(str, e));
private static byte[] UrlEncodeToBytes(string str, Encoding e)
if (str == null)
return null;
byte[] bytes = e.GetBytes(str);
return UrlEncodeBytesToBytesInternal(bytes, 0, bytes.Length, false);
private static byte[] UrlEncodeBytesToBytesInternal(byte[] bytes, int offset, int count, bool alwaysCreateReturnValue)
int num = 0;
int num2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
char ch = (char)bytes[offset + i];
if (ch == ' ')
else if (!IsSafe(ch))
if ((!alwaysCreateReturnValue && (num == 0)) && (num2 == 0))
return bytes;
byte[] buffer = new byte[count + (num2 * 2)];
int num4 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
byte num6 = bytes[offset + j];
char ch2 = (char)num6;
if (IsSafe(ch2))
buffer[num4++] = num6;
else if (ch2 == ' ')
buffer[num4++] = 0x2b;
buffer[num4++] = 0x25;
buffer[num4++] = (byte)IntToHex((num6 >> 4) & 15);
buffer[num4++] = (byte)IntToHex(num6 & 15);
return buffer;
internal static bool IsSafe(char ch)
if ((((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'z')) || ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'Z'))) || ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9')))
return true;
switch (ch)
case '\'':
case '(':
case ')':
case '*':
case '-':
case '.':
case '_':
case '!':
return true;
return false;
internal static char IntToHex(int n)
if (n <= 9)
return (char)(n + 0x30);
return (char)((n - 10) + 0x61);
Uri longUri = new Uri("");
Uri shortUri = longUri.ToTiny();