Returns true if the type can be considered numeric
public static bool IsNumeric(this Type t)
var type = t.GetTypeWithoutNullability();
type == typeof (Int16) ||
type == typeof (Int32) ||
type == typeof (Int64) ||
type == typeof (UInt16) ||
type == typeof (UInt32) ||
type == typeof (UInt64) ||
type == typeof (decimal) ||
type == typeof (float) ||
type == typeof (double);
public static Type GetTypeWithoutNullability(this Type t)
return t.IsNullable() ? new NullableConverter(t).UnderlyingType : t;
public static bool IsNullable(this Type t)
return t.IsGenericType &&
t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof (Nullable<>);
if (someType.IsNumeric())
do something that requires type be numeric
Author: Tim Scott (
Submitted on: 18 okt. 2010
Language: C#
Type: System.Type
Views: 7468