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Limits a piece of text to a certain maximum length for the purpose of showing it to the user as part of some (G)UI or report that has limited space.


/// <summary>Limit the text length</summary>
/// <param name="text">Text to limit</param>
/// <param name="maxLength">Maximum allowed number of characters
/// in the result</param>
/// <param name="showEllipsis"><code>true</code>=Limit
/// <paramref name="text"/> to first
/// (<paramref name="maxLength"/>-3) characters plus "...",
/// <code>false</code>=Limit <paramref name="text"/> to first
/// <paramref name="maxLength"/> characters</param>
/// <returns>Content of <paramref name="text"/>, but at most
/// <paramref name="maxLength"/> characters</returns>
/// <remarks>With <paramref name="showEllipsis"/> left to default
/// value of <code>true</code> the result will be "..." even if
/// you specify a maximum length less than or equal to 3.</remarks>
public static string LimitTextLength(this string text, int maxLength, bool showEllipsis = true)
	if (maxLength < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("maxLength", "Value must not be negative");
	if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)) return string.Empty;
	var n = text.Length;
	var ellipsis = showEllipsis ? "..." : string.Empty;
	var minLength = ellipsis.Length;
	maxLength = Math.Max(minLength, maxLength);
	return n > maxLength ? text.Substring(0, Math.Min(maxLength - minLength, n)) + ellipsis : text;


public void LimitTextLength_null()
	foreach (var n in Enumerable.Range(0, 10))

public void LimitTextLength_empty()
	foreach (var n in Enumerable.Range(0, 10))

public void LimitTextLength_negative_length()

public void LimitTextLength_cut_off_yes_ellipsis_default()

public void LimitTextLength_cut_off_yes_ellipsis_no()
	"abcdefg".LimitTextLength(6, false).Should().Be("abcdef");

public void LimitTextLength_cut_off_yes_ellipsis_yes()
	"abcdefg".LimitTextLength(6, true).Should().Be("abc...");

public void LimitTextLength_cut_off_edge()

public void LimitTextLength_cut_off_no()

public void LimitTextLength_almost_ellipsis_length()
	"abcdefg".LimitTextLength(4, true).Should().Be("a...");

public void LimitTextLength_exactly_ellipsis_length()
	"abcdefg".LimitTextLength(3, true).Should().Be("...");

public void LimitTextLength_shorter_than_ellipsis()
	"abcdefg".LimitTextLength(2, true).Should().Be("...");

Author: peSHIr

Submitted on: 6 mei 2016

Language: C#

Type: System.String

Views: 4579