بررسی اعتبار کد ملی
public static bool IsValidIranianSocialCode( this string codeMelli )
switch ( codeMelli )
case "1111111111":
case "2222222222":
case "3333333333":
case "4444444444":
case "5555555555":
case "6666666666":
case "7777777777":
case "8888888888":
case "9999999999":
case "0000000000":
return false;
long result;
if ( long.TryParse(codeMelli, out result) )
switch ( result.NoOfDigits() )
// because in some cases user ignore the two starting zeros
case 8:
long.TryParse((string.Concat("00", result.ToString())), out result);
return result.CheckValidity();
// because in some cases user ignore the first starting zero
case 9:
long.TryParse((string.Concat("0", result.ToString())), out result);
return result.CheckValidity();
case 10:
return result.CheckValidity();
default: // below 8 digits is not valid Social No. Code
return false;
else return false;
public static int NoOfDigits( this long input )
return input.ToString().Length;
public static bool CheckValidity( this long socialCode )
char[] splitSocialCode = socialCode.ToString().ToCharArray();
int sum = 0;
for ( int i = 0, j = 10; i < 9 & j > 1; sum += int.Parse(splitSocialCode[i++].ToString()) * j-- ) ;
int reminder = sum % 11;
if ( reminder < 2 )
return reminder == int.Parse(splitSocialCode[9].ToString()); // controlling digit
return (11 - reminder) == int.Parse(splitSocialCode[9].ToString());
Console.WriteLine("2300060647".IsValidIranianSocialCode()); // true
Console.WriteLine("2300060648".IsValidIranianSocialCode()); //false
Console.WriteLine("2222222222".IsValidIranianSocialCode()); //false
Author: محمد مهدوی منش 09120611300
Submitted on: 14 jan. 2017
Language: C#
Type: System.String
Views: 3374