Use this extention method with a lambda expression to replace the first item that satisfies the condition
public static IEnumerable<TSource> Replace<TSource, Tkey>(this IList<TSource> source, TSource replacement, Func<TSource, Tkey> selector)
foreach (var item in source)
var key = selector(item);
if (key.Equals(true))
int index = source.IndexOf(item);
source.Insert(index, replacement);
return source;
public static void BookReplace()
var books = new List<Book>
new Book { Author = "Robert Martin", Title = "Clean Code", Pages = 464 },
new Book { Author = "Oliver Sturm", Title = "Functional Programming in C#", Pages = 270 },
new Book { Author = "Martin Fowler", Title = "Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture", Pages = 533 },
new Book { Author = "Bill Wager", Title = "Effective C#", Pages = 328 },
Book replacementBook = new Book
Author = "Test",
Pages = 152,
Title = "Once upon a test"
books.Replace(replacementBook, item => item.Author == "Bill Wager");
Author: Brecht Bocket
Submitted on: 24 jun. 2016
Language: C#
Type: System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>
Views: 4219