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Allows enumaration of sets of characters by expressing them as a range, for example all the lowercase characters. Allows reverse order as well.


public static class EnumerableExtensions
		private static void Swap(ref char a, ref char b)
			a ^= b;
			b ^= a;
			a ^= b;

		public static IEnumerable<char> To(this char first, char last)
			bool reverseRequired = (first > last);

			if (reverseRequired)
				Swap(ref first, ref last);

			var result = Enumerable.Range(first, last - first + 1).Select(charCode => (char)charCode);

			if (reverseRequired)
				result = result.Reverse();

			return result;


foreach (char c in 'a'.To('z'))
			foreach (char c in '0'.To('9'))

Author: Figment Engine

Submitted on: 6 feb. 2009

Language: C#

Type: System.Char

Views: 4794